I would really like to apply a good dressing of compost to all my trees more frequently, but I can't afford to buy the bagged stuff. So I had an idea. What if I blended up the kitchen scraps, and then spread them out on the trees on a weekly basis? Would they stink? Would there would be bugs? Only one way to find out.
We hardly ever use our blender, so Dr. Wife agreed to let me use it for this little experiment. To liquify the scraps, I placed the contents of a 1 quart yogurt container and 1 quart of water in the blender, and then blended until smooth. I then took this slurry, and mixed it with 5 gallons of water in a plastic bucket, and poured it out around a fruit tree. I repeated this with all 8 containers. I kept careful watch on the trees, and didn't notice any smells or excess bugs, so I think I've found a great new way to apply organic nutrients continuously throughout the season. I'll keep it up until the weather cools off, and keep watch for any problems.