Even though the peels haven't been fully colored, the interior of the fruit has been orange and very juicy. They aren't the sweetest mandarins I've ever tasted, but they have a very nice sweet-tart flavor, and they're very easy to peel. The fruits are very small for citrus, only 2-inches or so in diameter, but as the name suggests they are completely seedless.
My two-year-old Kishu tree is very small, but this cultivar seems to be very precocious and productive. I keep it in a large pot near the back porch where it gets sun until early afternoon. It seems to be pretty slow growing, but it is very well behaved and attractive little tree. Boy #1 loves the fruit, and calls them 'baby oranges'. He's eaten just about every one we've had so far (around 15), and is always asking for more. Like other mandarins and satsumas, the flavor of the fruit should improve as the tree ages.
The terrible freezes this winter combined with the awful heat and the drought this summer have been pretty hard on all my other citrus trees, and we won't be getting very much citrus this year, so I'm very thankful for these early little fruits.