We haven't picked buckets of berries yet, but Dr. Wife and Boy #1 have been able to pick a couple every day at snack time. Considering how young and small the plants are, I think that's pretty good. I think it will be like growing the blueberries, where I got 8 berries the first year, and 4 quarts the second.
I would say they are definitely better than your average supermarket strawberry, at least to my taste buds. But then again, I've only eaten two o them. Boy #1 eats most of them, and he loves them so much he wants to pick and eat them before they're fully ripe. If you can wait to eat one until it is fully deep red all over, and just a little soft, then you will have tasted something very few people ever get to experience.
I'm growing Sweet Charlie, but there are several other varieties such as Earliglow that are reported to do well here and taste good. I've also grown Chandler which produced well for me, and I thought was pretty tasty, but others say it doesn't have great flavor. Regardless, I think everyone with a flower bed should grow strawberries. They're really fairly low maintenance, are cheap plants (25 plants for ~ $10), reproduce easily, and produce delicious fruit enjoyed by almost everyone.