I'm going to try to start putting up posts again, but not here. The Weebly platform is great, but their mobile app is terrible. Since the only opportunity I will really have to post anything is via my iPad, I've decided to move over to WordPress. All the old content will still be available at this site, but all new posts from this point forward can be found at www.jclaytonbell.wordpress.com.
A lot has changed for me in the past year. New job, new house, my kids are getting older, and I've become much more active. I haven't blogged much in that time because I've been so busy, and because writing a fruit-based post every week was starting to become a chore.
I'm going to try to start putting up posts again, but not here. The Weebly platform is great, but their mobile app is terrible. Since the only opportunity I will really have to post anything is via my iPad, I've decided to move over to WordPress. All the old content will still be available at this site, but all new posts from this point forward can be found at www.jclaytonbell.wordpress.com.
Clayton Bell
I'm a geologist in Houston, Texas who loves growing fruit trees.
March 2020
This website and its content is copyright of J. Clayton Bell - © J. Clayton Bell 2010-2020. All rights reserved. |