I've tried to plant seeds several times, but with no success. No matter what I've tried (scoring, treating the seeds with hormone, etc.), the seeds have just rotted in the pot. Lake Jackson citrus expert John Panzarella has had similar experience. According to his website, fruits that fell off in the pot did germinate, so I decided to try a little experiment. Boy #1 and I went out there this weekend, picked a handful of berries, and planted the the whole berries in plain potting soil amended with a little garden sulfur. We put them in the greenhouse and rigged up drippers to the pots. Plants cost $40-$50 at JRN Nursery, and even more by mail order. Hopefully we'll see some little miracle fruit plants germinating in a few weeks.
We also decided to try one of our pomegranates this weekend. The fruits have been looking big and red, and we just couldn't resist trying one. We selected a big fat red one from our Red Silk/Unknown pomegranate tree and cut into it. The arils weren't fully colored, but at least there was some coloration (unlike this time last year). The fruit was very sweet, but without much flavor. Even though it was clear that they were not yet ripe, that didn't stop Boy #1 from chowing down on them. He just loves pomegranates, and I'm sure he'll gladly eat every one we get, fully ripe or not.