I had such a great time sharing these with people, especially with kids. Jerry Hurlbert (chair of the Texas Rare Fruit Growers) came out to help me, and we had a blast. Its a lot of fun watching someone bite into a lemon, and seeing the expression on their face when they find it tastes like lemonade! I learned some things too. It turns out that learn that cantaloupe does not taste good on miracle fruit, and it doesn't work on some people (particularly if they're on medication). I also found that it is critical to give good instructions before giving out berries. Several people only held the berry in their mouth for a few seconds, spit it out, and then ate a lemon only to find that it didn't work. To achieve the best effect, you really need to keep the berry on your tongue for a good two minutes.
I had so much fun talking and sharing my hobby with people, that I'm looking for excuses to have more. I'm definitely planning on holding more events in the future. Special thanks to Plants for All Seasons and RCW for letting me invade their businesses, and doing what I like most.