Fortunately, I have found a perfect source of locally grown organic vegetables in Evans Veggie Farm. We're very proud to be an inaugural subscriber of their community supported agriculture (CSA) program. Every two weeks, the Evans family delivers a big box of fresh-picked organic produce and two-dozen farm-fresh eggs right to my door. Not to sound too much like a commercial here, but if you live in northwest Houston or the Hempstead area, check them out. Get the highest quality organic food while supporting a local family business. Everybody wins.
Last week, we opened our box to discover a huge, perfectly ripe, canteloupe-like asian melon. Its sweet fragrance soon filled the whole kitchen, and I was suddenly very thankful that Dr. Wife doesn't like melons. After the kids went to bed, I pulled it out of the refrigerator and sliced it in half. The intensity of the aroma was incredible. It was very juicy, but unlike supermarket melons the juice wasn't watery, but almost like a light syrup. I ate the whole thing over the next two days, and was sorry there wasn't more. After seeing how Mr. Texas is using melon plants as a living mulch around his citrus trees, and tasting such a remarkable piece of fruit, I am determined to try growing melons myself next year. Until then I'll just have to be patient, and hope there are more melons coming in my next CSA delivery