After a few weeks I noticed the old leaves seemed to be drying and dying back, but there was new growth coming from the center. Success! I immediately drove to the store and picked up another pineapple, and repeated the process. My original plan was to get a pineapple every week or two until I had 8-10 plants. However, today when I was at HEB getting something else in the produce section, I noticed several pineapple tops and skins in a trash box behind the counter where they chop, juice, and package fresh fruit. I asked if I could have some of the tops. Even though they thought I was crazy at first, they gave me six pineapple tops for free! One person's trash is another person's treasure. I brought them home, and while preparing and planting them, found that almost all had really well developed root initials. I'll move them all to the greenhouse just as soon as I get the drip irrigation system installed. I can't wait to taste a homegrown pineapple!