So after the last of the flowers had died away, I got to work moving all the cinder blocks over to the other side of the yard, and putting together a plan. I decided to make a C-shaped garden only a few feet wide, in order to make the most of our limited area while still allowing little arms to reach. I got all the blocks layed out, and then it was time for Boy #1 and I to hit the nursery and the orange store. Boy #1 had a blast picking out the seeds and a tomato cage, and very patiently waited for his tired old dad to load up the peat moss, sand and compost.
We hauled it all home, and both boys helped me fill up the new raised bed. If there's anything boys love, its playing in the dirt. Throw in a garden hose, and those two toots were in heaven. I mixed up the soil as we added in, and the boys took turns watering it down and just making a general mess. Every time I turned around to add in soil, I'd catch Boy #2 scooping it out! Finally, after much mud making, the bed was filled, and it was time to plant. We planted a tomato transplant, and broccoli, lettuce, radish, and carrot seeds. I rigged up a quick drip irrigation system using leftover parts from plumbing the greenhouse, and Boy #1 made little signs out of the seed packets and some bamboo sticks. He was so proud of himself. I can't wait to take the boys out there to pick some vegetables this winter.