I decided to practice grafting by swapping scions between the two trees. Plus, I figured that if I couldn't find a home for the Santa Rosa tree, I would still get Santa Rosa plums. Let me begin by saying that I am new to grafting, but I am rapidly learning that the more you do, the better you get.
I essentially know two grafts; the Whip and Tongue Graft, and the Cleft Graft. Both are very easy, can be learned in 5 minutes, and are very forgiving. All you need is a sharp knife and some parafilm (or saran wrap). Not having any experience grafting plums, I swapped wood between the two trees using both methods. I was very pleased about a week later to see that all of my grafts were successful! I now had two 2-in-1 plum trees.
This weekend a fellow fruit enthusiast dropped by to swap some citrus budwood with me (Thanks John!). He was also kind enough to bring me some Burgundy and Beauty budwood. So I got out the tape, and grafted these varieties on too. Thanks to John, I now have two 3-in-1 plum trees!