On another note, my Genoa Loquat seedling is going to fruit this year. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have the giant-sized fruits of John Panzarella's tree, but strangely it does appear to be very late. All of the neighborhood loquat trees flowered and set fruit weeks before mine did. I've been picking and eating loquats from other trees, and mine are still green and immature. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or not yet. I guess if the fruit is later it can better avoid late freezes, but that could also mean that the flowers are more likely to be killed by cold. Regardless, mine has grown into a really beautiful tree, and I'm very happy to finally get to sample some fruit. They may not be big, but I bet they'll taste great!
Finally, after 2 1/2 years and around 182 blog posts, I've just about run our of things to say (at least until I get some more fruit). I think I'm going to give weekly blogging a rest for a little while, and put up new posts as I learn new things or new fruits become available.